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ICP Component 6: Technology and Technical Support
Component Description and Rationale
The choice of which hardware, software and platforms used to engage the learning community will be key to the success of any online learning transition. Selecting products and systems that can handle the demands of the school system is critical, as is providing the proper training for teachers and students on using the tools available. Support for users is also a critical piece of the puzzle so that issues can be resolved quickly to provide consistent access to users.
Critical Success Factors/Action Steps Required in the Component
- Identify the technology staff members who will be key to the ICP planning process.
- Determine the robustness of the technology infrastructure for delivering synchronous and asynchronous instruction without crashes or other service disruptions, and upgrade as needed.
- Determine which students will need devices if the LEA or charter school does not already have a 1:1 initiative.
- Survey students and families to determine which need internet access and provide this access as needed.
- Provide devices that will support the digital curriculum and complies with Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
- Identify and implement a web content filtering solution for all devices used by students and staff.
- Identify roles needed to support technology in a remote learning model and reallocate personnel accordingly.