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ICP Component 5: Parent and Family Support

Component Description and Rationale

Parents and families of learners will need support on a number of levels. First, technology considerations are paramount in a remote learning environment. Distribution of devices (especially if the LEA does not already have a 1:1 initiative), access to high-speed Internet and training on the proper use of the technology are just a sample of the supports required in a remote learning environment. LEAs and charter schools must have a way to determine these needs and address them both at the initial discontinuation of in-person learning and throughout the period of distance learning. In addition to academics, LEAs and charter schools should also make provisions for the resiliency of students and their families during extended periods of at-home learning. Several useful resources are included in Resources for Families and Teachers.

Critical Success Factors/Action Steps Required in the Component

  • Identify the household technology capabilities and needs of students and their families to assess the ease with which they can shift to a remote learning model. (Note: This may be done annually.)
  • Establish effective two-way lines of communications with parents and families of students using a variety of media.
  • Provide guidance and direction to students, parents, and families on how to create distraction-free learning environments at home that are conducive to learning. 
  • Develop and communicate to staff and parents/families the protocols for providing special education services and accommodations for students in need. 
  • Develop a plan to conduct regular outreach and wellness checks to help support the health and safety of students and their families.
  • Develop a plan to ensure that the needs of special student populations, e.g., ESE, ELL, homeless, etc., are being supported in keeping with the requirements of IEPs and other educational specification documents.