ICP Component 7: Cyber Security
Component Description and Rationale
Guidance for LEAs and charter schools to incorporate cyber security Critical Success Factors and best practices must be a key component of the ICP. LEAs and charter schools will need to develop and integrate cyber and information security plans and strategies as well as all relevant/necessary cyber security controls. This will ensure continuity of learning that includes standard, in-person learning.
Critical Success Factors/Action Steps Required in the Component
- Identify recommended national and state cyber security framework standards to be adopted by school LEAs and charter schools.
- Include a business continuity plan tailored to LEA operations.
- Include an incident response plan tailored to LEA operations.
- Stipulate all cyber security-related policies and procedures aimed at safeguarding the entire LEA information system and IT infrastructure.
- Include an executive summary of the LEA’s current security posture.
- Include current plan of actions and milestones for cyber security improvements to maximize ICP effectiveness.