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Suwannee's Implementation Plans and Reports

ICP Report

  • Academics
  • Technology
  • Operations
  • Communications
  • Overall Comments


ICP Component 1: Leadership and Planning

CROSS-FUNCTIONAL PLANNING TEAM: The Suwannee County School District Leadership Team (see attached document 2021-2022 SCSD District and School-Based Leadership Team) has worked together to create this Instructional Continuity Plan. This same team of Directors, Coordinators, Principals, and Assistant Principals will be the key personnel responsible for a successful implementation of the plan, should the need arise. DESIRED OUTCOMES: 1.) Engage ALL students in appropriate alternative educational opportunities that will result in adequate academic growth. 2.) Support all SCSD teachers and instructional staff as they provide non-traditional learning opportunities. 3.) Continue to provide wrap-around services to our most vulnerable students. 4.) Support parents and families as needed with academic supports, as well as, other supports necessary based upon the situation responsible for the initiation of the ICP. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS: 1.) Equitable access to educational delivery (Internet Access, resources, accommodations) 2.) Seamless transition to alternative learning modality. (virtual learning through LMS-Canvas) 3.) Equitable access to wrap-around services. (food service program, other supports) 4.) Targeted professional development to assist in instructional delivery. ACTION PLANS: 1.) Educational Delivery - In the event that students are unable to be served in our face-to-face classrooms, the SCSD will maintain a digital safety net through a combination of digital curriculum products. Students will utilize the digital curriculum and learning management system in their traditional classrooms making transition to virtual modality easier for students, parents, and teachers. The District will ensure that digital materials will be available to support ALL students, including our most vulnerable subgroups. 2.) Access to Wrap Around Services – Students in need of additional supports will be monitored by school counselors and teachers. District support staff will work with school personnel to make sure that student needs are still able to be me in the new modality. School staff and District staff will maintain communication with parents as new methods of support are being implemented. All families in need of supports will have a contact at their school. The school contact will check in at least weekly with parents/students to make sure needs are being met. 3.) Professional Development – Weekly support sessions will take place as instruction transitions into the new modality required. District and School Staff will respond with “just-in-time” PD as needed to provide for individual teacher and student needs. It is understood that there will be a need to adjust as we navigate the unknown. Curriculum personnel, school-based leaders, and the information technology department will work together to listen to needs and assist with issues as the arise. Solutions will be pushed out to school campuses through grade level and content PLC groups. EVALUATION OF ICP 1.) Several data points will help inform the District of the success of the ICP. These data points will be collected and evaluated regularly by the appropriate personnel listed below. a. Number of students regularly accessing educational lessons – as gathered by teachers/principals, reported to Director of Curriculum and Instruction. b. Number/Percentage of students receiving wrap-around services – accommodations, lunch, therapies, etc. – as gathered by school administration and reported to District level directors. c. Number/Percentage of teachers able to provide robust lessons to students in spite of change in modality – as observed by school-based administration, teacher survey, parent survey (as appropriate and available). 2.) Long term evaluation of the plan will come from measurable results obtained from progress monitoring instruments – once they are able to be available to all students.

ICP Component 2: Curriculum Resources and Digital Content

DESIRED OUTCOMES: 1.) Engage ALL students in appropriate alternative educational opportunities that will result in adequate academic growth. 2.) Support all SCSD teachers and instructional staff as they provide non-traditional learning opportunities. 3.) Continue to provide wrap-around services to our most vulnerable students. 4.) Support parents and families as needed with academic supports, as well as, other supports necessary based upon the situation responsible for the initiation of the ICP. GOALS: 1.) Smooth and timely transition to alternate modality of instruction for students, parents, and teachers. 2.) Continuation of wrap-around services to support students and families in a time of need. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: District Schools has purchased Edgenuity and Canvas which are available to all instructional staff as well as all students. The district adopted curriculum for reading, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is available for upload to Canvas. Engage Mathematics is also available for elementary to load onto Canvas. Science and Social Studies curriculums may also be loaded to Canvas for elementary while secondary will use Edgenuity. ESE uses TeachTown while PK uses Frog Street. At the high school level, AP and DE classes will follow their own plan keeping in mind that students may or may not be taking the required test at the end of the year. LMS PROVIDER: Canvas LMS, Edgenuity Curriculum CROSS-FUNCTIONAL MONITORING TEAM: The monitoring team will consist of the District Director of Curriculum, School-Based Administration, IT Department support, ESE Department, ELL/Migrant Department, and Grade Band Curriculum representatives (Elementary, Middle, and High School) along with the school based Canvas Coach. If possible, on the secondary level there should be a Canvas Coach as well as an additional Edgenuity Coach. This team will report issues in need of assistance to the Assistant Superintendents as necessary. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN: Currently the District employs a school-based Canvas Coach to assist teachers in utilizing the adopted learning platform and any digital curriculum that is being utilized at the school. The regular utilization of 1:1 chromebooks and the LMS/resources on a daily basis will assist in the event that a change of instructional modality is required. Students and teachers will already be equipped with skills necessary to move to a virtual environment. For teachers/students/and families that continue to have difficulty, the following will be put into place: Weekly meetings with virtual teachers in need of assistance. Canvas Coach employment at each school. Support from District level Coordinators/Directors as needed. Professional Development modules purchased from Edgenuity to help teachers learn as needed. New Hire training activities are currently supported in the Canvas platform, so these teachers will still be able to communicate with their PDCP trainers and mentor. The Canvas Coaches currently provide training after school at least once each week on specific topics. The Canvas Coaches also provide trouble-shooting support as needed for all teachers during regular school operation. Upon shutdown, this practice would already be established. Canvas coaches would simply be available virtually or by phone. All new hires currently participate in the new hire program. During that program they are enrolled in a Canvas Course for PD. The new hire course is taught by two of the Canvas Administrators who teach them how to navigate the Canvas Course to assist them in building their own Canvas course. The new hire program could be run virtually if needed and would not need to end upon a shut down. The new teachers will have the opportunity to learn their digital content in working in their PLC’s with the other teachers on their team. The digital content that would be available upon shutdown is currently available to all teachers all the time. All teachers are expected to utilize the LMS and digital content regularly during the regular operation of school so that students and teachers will be familiar with the programs in the event of a switch to virtual operation. In the event that a teacher has not had at least 2-3 months to accustomize themselves with the curriculum, the Canvas Coach can recommend additional supports for that teacher. The new hire training program has a course in Canvas that teachers use to access content, turn in assignments and to communicate with each other and the course instructors. We will be adding a component to the training on what happens during a shutdown and how teachers can use digital content and their Canvas course to continue instructions remotely for students. (Please see the ICP New Hire Training document in the ICP Folder).

ICP Component 3: Professional Learning

In order to provide leaders and instructional staff multiple survey opportunities to determine actual needs regarding professional learning, The Suwannee County School District will provide an initial continuity plan needs assessment to faculty to identify level of comfort with technology use and usability of District approved web-based resources (Canvas, TeachTown, and Edgenuity), as well as, follow up at least monthly (or more often) to continue to assess needs. Identified areas of need will determine the focus of individualized and group professional development. Stakeholders’ needs will drive the agenda for topics and delivery methods for all professional learning. A multi-layer approach will be utilized to ensure all faculty and staff can access and adequately use programs and tools designed for distance education. This multi-layer approach will include virtual and face-to-face opportunities for teachers, parents, and students. The District understands that in a time of crisis, we need to meet the needs of our stakeholders in multiple ways. Arranging time for professional learning opportunities for school leaders, district staff, and educational staff, keeping in mind best practices for adult learners will be accommodated by adapting the current PLC professional learning model to fit a virtual environment. Professional Learning Communities for grade levels and specific content areas have consistently been employed in the district for a number of years. Through the Canvas Learning Management System, PLCs will continue to meet virtually in the event of a shutdown. Canvas Conferences and/or Google Meet will allow teachers to collaborate, sharing best practices, problem-solving, and planning for engaging, content-rich lessons. Canvas Coaches and Academic Coaches will join these PLC meetings to provide additional support in best practices related to virtual instruction. Canvas is the District approved learning management system with each school having an assigned Canvas Coach to disseminate appropriate training and necessary resources. The SCSD will provide monthly professional development to all faculty and staff and will coordinate appropriate training based upon continuity plan needs assessment results. District staff will help support necessary training during monthly professional development days. Additional staff will be allocated for professional development and support as identified as being necessary by the Executive Team. In order to assess the effectiveness of professional learning efforts to continuously improve the process and provide relevant opportunities in the future, usage reports, follow-up surveys, inservice reflection forms, and other methods that will be used to assess meeting of goals and the effectiveness of the professional learning that is made available. In Suwannee County, it is our goal that all professional development will be ongoing and evaluated annually, regardless of the circumstances.

ICP Component 4: Instructional Practices

Identification of the needs of educators relative to online and hybrid teaching experience and expertise will be determined by survey and observation of school-based administration in coordination with the professional learning plan. The information gathered will be utilized to determine which teachers have extensive background in these delivery models, and which will need more help. The administration at Suwannee Virtual School will assist brick and mortar school based administrators in the best practices for observing virtual classrooms. Training will be conducted as needed, virtually if necessary, to assist administrators and teachers. To ensure virtual lessons are aligned with state and LEA curriculum standards, teachers will upload lesson plans identifying the standards taught. Instructional planning time will be designated in teachers’ schedules based on contractual minutes. Assessment will also assist in identifying instructors who can serve as teacher trainers. Canvas Coaches and other identified trainers will embed instructional practices along with professional learning opportunities. See Component 2 for Professional Learning Plan. Guidance, resources, and training on the best practices for distance/hybrid education delivery for those who need help onboarding these practices will be provided through the online instruction available to all teachers digitally through Edgenuity’s online training content purchased in 2020. Teachers will have access to on-demand, self-paced training. Stipends will be paid for additional time spent on professional development at the hourly PD rate. All teachers will be made aware of the availability of the training the the additional pay available through their school principal and Canvas coach. The District will continue to identify resources and develop guidance materials to support best practices for distance and hybrid learning opportunities. The FLDOE link below provides Best Practices for Distance Learning: Weekly meetings of learning coaches will serve as the professional learning about best practices for hybrid teaching for educational staff. During the previous shut down, this group met weekly for real-time professional development and QA sessions. Each week we discussed tips and best practices along with responding to needs of the schools. The Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction led these meetings with the assistance of several academic coordinators, student services, and information technology administrators. Ultimately the assessment of the effectiveness of delivery methods occurs in the observation of progress monitoring data and student/family/teacher feedback. The District will continually monitor the success of ALL students and collect the feedback of ALL teachers through school admin. Students that are not being successful will be referred to the MtSS teams, as usual. The teams will identify the needs of the students/families and communicate with school leaders to get additional assistance as needed. If patterns indicate teacher weaknesses or needs, the school leaders will communicate with the Canvas Coaches and put supports in place for the teacher, as well.. Surveys will go out to stakeholders, instructors, parents, students, and staff to evaluate instructional delivery methods. Administrators may join a virtual class to do observations/walk throughs in real time.

ICP Component 5: Parent and Family Support

Suwannee County School District will identify the household technology capabilities and needs of students and their families by providing one-to-one technology for students. The District has been providing 1:1 technology for the past four years and currently each student in the district is allocated their own device. However, many families have limited internet access. In addition, students are being raised by guardians who are elderly and have limited knowledge of technology. The District, through the school administration, will access and identify household technology capabilities and needs of students and families through administering surveys. The Parent and Family Engagement Team (PFET) will also conduct telephone interviews with families since many of them have limited internet access. In order to establish effective two-way lines of communications with parents and families of students, the District will use a variety of media. Currently we utilize the following methods of communication: Zoom, email, social media, face-to-face, District website, correspondence via U.S. mail, newspaper, radio, community organizations, and faith-based organizations to reach our families/students. During a shut down, we rely upon whatever methods of communication are operational. The Executive team will work with schools and community leaders to identify new sources of communication as needed. Providing guidance and direction to students, parents, and families on how to create distraction-free learning environments at home that are conducive to the work students need to do is a challenge. The District Parent, Student and Teacher Resource Center is open evenings four days per week to provide ongoing support, guidance and direction to students, parents and families on a variety of topics that will include how to create distraction-free learning environments at home. In the event that the Resource Center could not be open, guidance would be provided on how to reach the staff of the resource center by phone, email, or other methods of communication for assistance - similar to the support provided for technology assistance to parents in the district. The same staff that work the resource center now will be available through another method for consultation. The staff will assist parents in evaluating their current available resources and help put the parents in contact with organizations and funding sources available to purchase furniture and equipment needed to help create that optimal learning environment. Links to resources from FLDOE such as Free Resources for Families & Teachers ( will be made available from each school/teacher in the district. The Director of Student Services will coordinate the development and communication to staff and parents/families the protocols for providing special education services and accommodations for students in need. The details of the plan will depend upon the service providers that are available for use during this time. It will be the goal of the District that our most vulnerable students will receive supports face-to-face as much as possible. In the past, we have utilized retired teachers and private schools to help visit families and provide one-on-one support that could not be provided with the current district staff. This would be a first option. The District has also acquired online curriculum specifically for SWD that are working at the access point level - if it’s identified that individualized home instruction/support is not possible. The learning coach model utilized for the 2020 shut down provided a great deal of support for the families of students with disabilities and other vulnerable populations. The learning coach assigned to each student was able to be the point person for the family and gather information for them. The Director of Student Services supervises the support staff necessary to provide assistance to ELL students, homeless, migrant, and foster students. Also, this director is the district contact and support for all guidance counselors in the district. The mental health coordinators also work with this director to set up phone counseling sessions, as well as man hotline numbers for parents, families, and staff during this time of need. The Suwannee County School District employees parent liaisons funded through multiple federal grants. These individuals work together and call themselves the Parent and Family Engagement team. This team provides regular outreach and wellness checks to help support the health and safety of students and their families during the regular school year, and this activity would continue during a shut down. Parent and Family Engagement Team (PFET) meet regularly to coordinate outreach services to parents and families. Meetings now are face-to-face, but could continue virtually or by telephone if needed. School guidance and/or teachers submit a request form and counselors coordinate with parent liaisons to perform wellness checks.


ICP Component 6: Technology and Technical Support

Identify the technology staff members who will be key to the ICP planning process; IT Director, IT Assistant Director, Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Canvas Coaches, Principals, Assistant Principals are key to the technology ICP Planning process. Determine the robustness of the technology infrastructure for delivering synchronous and asynchronous instruction with crashes or other service disruptions, and upgrade as needed; All delivery mechanisms are dependent upon cloud service providers and hosted outside of our district network. Determine which students will need devices (if the LEA or charter school does not already have a 1:1 initiative); The LEA is currently a 1:1 school district. Survey students and families to determine which are in need of internet access and provide this access as needed; Students and families are or will be surveyed in 3 ways: Parents or students can notify schools at any time. Schools may indicate in the SIS. If a situation arises where schools are shut down and the ICP is enacted, the below question will be sent as a callout poll and responses recorded.4 If a situation arises where schools are shut down and the ICP is enacted, the below question will be asked in a generic survey link posted to common information locations such as social media, web sites, and digital marquees. Does the student have access to connect their SCSD Chromebook to a wireless network off campus, such as a hotspot, residential, public business, or other wireless network? For those that do not have access to the internet, the LEA will provide location information of network accessibility. If family cannot access the location, paper alternatives will be made available. Provide devices that will support the digital curriculum and also complies with Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE); The LEA has 1:1 Device Initiative that already ensures that student devices support all digital curriculum adopted by the district. Identify and implement a web content filtering solution for all devices used by students and staff; The LEA has implemented the GoGuardian web content filtering solution on all end user devices that may be used by staff or students. Identify roles needed to support technology in a remote learning model and reallocate personnel accordingly. In a remote learning model, technology support needs would cause an increased demand on support personnel. Additional assistance would be needed to help distribute incoming requests and extend support hours to meet the needs of students and parents outside of normal business hours. Canvas coaches would be utilized to assist in Tier 1 support needs.

ICP Component 7: Cyber Security

The language in the ICP should: Identify recommended national and state cyber security framework standards to be adopted by LEAs and charter schools; The NIST Cybersecrity Framework shall serve as the basis for protecting critical information infrastructure and the service delivery environments associated therewith. Additional frameworks, utilized for protection of specific resource classes, such a HIPAA, PCI and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) shall be employed as necessary to enhance NIST-CF in order to bolster protective practices. Include a business continuity plan tailored to the LEA or charter school operations; The Suwannee County School District BC plan is substantially oriented toward survivability and portability of infrastructure so as to assure information resources availability during all but the most catastrophic of events. The plan is primarily oriented toward protection of the School District data center as a point of critical information, communications (data and voice) and information access sustainability. Specific plan attributes include capabilities to maintain power, assure campus network operability, ensure availability of essential data and provide continuity of information protection systems during periods which may interrupt normal business processes. Additionally, the plan includes preparations for emergency coordination with local law enforcement, first responders, utilities and essential suppliers so as to provide for access to and availability of resources in a prioritized fashion consistent with the local sheltering and education delivery needs of the community. Finally, the business continuity plan provides for integration with local emergency management practices, as well as information delivery procedures, for purposes of maintaining consistency of information ingestion as well as awareness of evolving community environmental conditions pertinent to operations of the School District. Finally, the plan include processes and procedures for orderly shutdown and evacuation of facilities as the need arises and in accordance with lawful orders to vacate School District properties. Include an incident response plan tailored to the LEA or charter school operations; The Suwannee County School District incident response plan is primarily oriented operations sustainment in the event of an incident which impairs, or interrupts, customary business practices. The incident response plan contemplates as well as include preparations for information security events such as a malicious attack upon information systems. The plan is predicated, substantially, upon isolating the security event to specific threat containment zones, employing basic threat identification practices in order to understand the mechanism of threat propagation and preserving evidence of the security incident. Furthermore, incident response plans include specific actions to interrupt operational pathways associated with typical threat classes (e.g. ransomware, application compromise, etc.) so as to isolate, contain and recover in accordance with incident presentation. An essential element of the incident response plan is to ensure protection of “backup” and “archive” systems so as to assure recoverability of essential information resources, critical infrastructure and mission critical activities (e.g. supplier engagement, general communications, relocating to alternate service delivery points, etc.) in order to sustain operations throughout and incident lifecycle. Business units (e.g. schools, administration, facilities maintenance, etc) operate with more focused incident response plans devised for the specific needs and operations sustainment practices unique to the entity. Â Stipulate all cyber security-related policies and procedures aimed at safeguarding the entire LEA or charter school information system and IT infrastructure; The above discussed incident response plan is substantially coupled to District cybersecurity policies. In general, the policy of “isolate, protect and preserve” serves as the general directive during experience of a cybersecurity event of a destructive and/or catastrophic nature. Layered and redundant protective resources are strategically deployed throughout the District. The general security policy provides for guidance in the protection of both data and information resources while providing for multiple layers of recoverability of those assets upon which business functions rely. Procedurally, staff is trained to identify those circumstances which would likely require activation of policy provisions and to initiate damage control processes intended to isolate threat appearances and protect assets (organic and inorganic). Policies stipulate that preservation is a command function intended to differentiate between asset classes so as to determine the best use of resources and where necessary invoke decisions in a timely and consistent manner. Policy also contemplates the potential for declaration of sacrificial practices which may be necessary to either control threat propagation or prevent encroachment as assistance and external support is engaged. External resources (e.g. consultants) are fully engaged with staff, on a persistent basis, so as to ensure ready availability of third party support in addition to providing expertise in information security defense. Include an executive summary of the LEA’s or charter school’s current security posture; The Suwannee County School District’s security posture is sufficiently diverse so as to envision and prepare for numerous conditions which may impair operational functions. Whether the need is to protect people, process, infrastructure or intangible assets, the posture is consistent --- identify the threat and quickly activate protective plans. Present security posture has been developed through exposure to numerous environments events and desktop exercises which have served to mature protective practices as well as identify those points of vulnerability which require attention beyond the traditional boundaries of School District influence. A well-orchestrated plan of first responder coordination has been developed and tested for those security events of a physical threat nature. Coordination plans include reliance upon both traditional and nontraditional communications as well as information technologies which enhance viability of the School District’s protective posture. As such, a high degree of attention has been devoted to both physical and logical security in order to maximize the best possible use of protective resources. Include current Plan of Actions and Milestones for cyber security improvements to maximize ICP effectiveness. • Train to the defense of information systems • Ensure currency of training plans as new information assets are deployed • Engage external subject matter expertise in the identification and protection of mission critical information resource • Refresh protective infrastructure annually and in accordance with technology changes • Maintain diversity of information protective solutions; select and deploy products of complementary strengths in order to maximize protective posture • Implement data backup and archival practices in a persistent and recurring manner; mission critical data along with compliance data will be collected at least daily for backup and archival purposes (including transfer to off-site collection points) • Maintain awareness of and influence upon adoption of information technologies so as to ensure compatibility of resource demands; minimize reliance upon cloud integrations which include dependencies upon “trusted” resources • Test technology-based information recovery plans annually • Replace EOL and unsupported technologies within six months of the declared support end date Implement a consistent and automated log review process.

ICP Component 8: Engaging Students with Limited Access

Suwannee County School District will continue to build a team of service providers in our area. Unfortunately, due to poor cell phone service and the rural nature of our district, placing hotspots in family homes is not a viable option for the majority of the district. The plan for students that do not have access will need to be “outside the box”. During the 2020 shut down, the District utilized school buses to send home assignments in paper format, to supplement the digital content. Also, the ability for student’s to download assignments to their devices from public wifi and school parking lots proved to be the most successful methods of reaching all families. The District will continue to find new ways to strengthen wifi signals in school parking lots to provide safe alternatives to home internet service in remote areas. Families can travel to the school parking lot and download materials in their vehicle without coming into contact with others, if needed. (Currently the District is engaging with Migrant and Homeless funding to bolster the support for WiFi in the parking lots at all school sites. The point person for communication with families about the efforts to provide education and supports for their child is the school principal. In order to communicate early and often with students and parents to identify needs and ensure supports, an automated callout to families will provide initial notification of cancelation of school with information of next steps the district is taking for the Instructional Continuity Plan (ICP) and when to expect more information. School staff and teachers will call and survey parents to help determine their internet and technology needs. The students with no access to the internet will be provided weekly printed coursework. This coursework will include general education coursework, access points materials, speech or language therapy support, and other therapy supports. The coursework will be delivered to the student’s bus stop by the transportation department on a weekly basis. Teachers will serve as the point of contact for communicating with families about their needs for support for their children. They will call on a weekly basis and keep a written record of contact. The service provider team will ensure student access to all learning materials and instruction on a continuous basis. Teachers will be in constant communication with their school level administrators for problem solving. The local internet provider provided a discounted rate for families in need and other vendors provided mobile hotspots. Ensuring that school leadership is engaged with special education service providers to deliver needed supports and resources to educators, learners, and families; and to support students with special needs and limited access, the Suwannee County School District will depend upon a team that will include the following district level administrators: The Director of Student Services supervises the coordinators responsible for supporting students with disabilities, those on 504 plans, ELL students, homeless students, and other students in our most vulnerable populations. The Director of Curriculum and Instruction will work with this group to bring the instructional resources to the table, as well as support personnel for technology, academic content, and other resources. The Director of School Choice will bring the ability to contract as necessary with outside resources to support children that would normally be supported in a face-to-face classroom. The Director of School Choice is also responsible for our Community Based Instruction Program, as well as our Suwannee Virtual School. The point person of contact for any student will initially be their school principal. The principal will reach out to the Director of Student Services for special services and options as needed. The Director of Student Services and her staff will continue to investigate new and appropriate ways to support of vulnerable students online. As new and innovative ways are shared, this plan may be updated.


ICP Component 9: Continuation of School Operations

Identify the facets of school operations that are impacted by extended school closures along with the essential personnel needed to support learning continuity through remote teaching and learning; Food service- coordination and delivery of meals on a rotating basis Transportation- coordination with food service providers for meal delivery; coordination with schools for instructional material delivery Facilities- maintaining of grounds and facilities; custodial needs and potential sanitization depending on reason for shutdown; assistance with essential office staff for parental or other needs that arise Information technology/public relations- Ensuring that district websites/social media are up-to-date with timely information; ensuring that network is operational and meets the needs of distance learning Curriculum- assisting schools with creation and delivery of instructional materials; ensuring fidelity across schools and grade levels; working in close contact with student services for implementation of accommodations; working with transportation for delivery of instructional materials Student Services- working with teachers to ensure lessons are relevant and meet standards; academic plans are consistent across schools and grade levels; must work in concert with other departments for delivery of materials; assisting food service to ensure nutritional needs of students are being met; making sure IEP/504 and ELL students receive required services Identify and communicate expectations of charter school or LEA staff related to schedules and work performance during school closures; School based administration and district department leaders will develop a rotational schedule to ensure that all aspects are administratively covered at all times. Efforts will be made to minimize risk and exposure. Develop and communicate an execution plan to provide food services to students and families in need during school closures; District department directors within food service and transportation, under direction from the assistant superintendent for administration, will ensure that the plan is most effective and efficient to meet the needs of students, parents and the community. Site based food service managers will ensure that adequate numbers of staff are on-site to meet the ordering, packaging and processing requirements for successful delivery of meals. IT and site based administrators will ensure that timely and accurate information is given via school websites/social media, callouts and public service announcements to all stakeholders regarding food distribution. Develop and execute a plan to provide special education services and accommodations to students in need during school closures; Site based administration will work with school-based support services personnel to ensure that all accommodations and related services are provided to qualified students. The district level student services department will assist with implementation and provide support to school-based personnel; weekly contact? Conduct outreach to community organizations to provide comprehensive support to students and families during school closures. Working with local churches and other organizations to meet basic needs; working with radio, television and district public relations staff to ensure timely and accurate information is given; working with SCSO for shelter operations, should the need arise. Communication with employees regarding the expectation related to schedules and work performance during school closures will come directly from the Superintendent in consultation with Human Resources and the employees' contracts.


ICP Component 10: Emergency and Ongoing Communications

Communication will be initiated by the Superintendent and the Executive Team. The Executive Team is made up of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and the Assistant Superintendent of Administration. If needed the Executive may add members of the District Directors team as needed for consultation. The Executive Team will receive communication from the Superintendent and FLDOE as information changes throughout a shut down. The Executive Team regularly meets twice a month, but upon shut down, the first meeting the Superintendent will have is with this team. The team will increase meeting to daily (or more) if needed during the beginning stages of implementation of the ICP. In March of 2020, this team often met multiple times per day. District and School Administrators will receive initial and on-going communication from members of the Executive Team. This information may be delivered by special called meetings (face-to-face and/or virtual if needed). There is a regular monthly meeting schedule for this administrative team that can then be utilized for follow-up and update information at least every other week. After the Executive Team meets with the District and School Admin team, email communications and call out communications are created and distributed through phone call trees, digital callout programs, website, email, and social media. Most information pushed to the public is in the form of FAQ’s which are updated as needed. Each District Director will communicate with their department. As the department generates answers to FAQs for other stakeholder groups, the Director will communicate that back to the Executive Team for publication. The District Instructional and Student Support Directors will work with the Instructional Support Coordinators and communicate with academic coaches and Canvas (tech) coaches. There will be specific support groups related to instructional support that are defined in the other sections of the ICP. Each School Administrator will communicate with their school faculty/staff stakeholders. Instructional staff, non-instructional staff, custodians, and food service staff at each school will get relative information from their School Principal and Assistant Principals. Students’ and Families’ point of contact during a school shut down will be their school. Although the district will assist schools with answers to questions, we will rely upon School Admin and Teachers to be the voice of the district in disseminating information. Also, we realize that School Admin and Teachers will at times be the voice of the Parents and Students when it comes to questions and concerns regarding information. The communication will flow through the proper channels (to the greatest extent possible) in a two directional way. The scope of communications to be sent to stakeholders, and the schedule for such communications will depend upon the nature of the shut down and the length of time the shut down lasts. The goal of the district will be to communicate quickly and concisely through a variety of communication channels. Communication will be pushed out on an “as needed” basis. Date/time stamps will be attached to all communications. Stakeholders will easily be able to identify the most up to date information while still accessing previous communications. Guidance for stakeholders will be available on the district website throughout the duration of extended school closures. (SCSD has no charter schools to support.) The district will attempt to provide regular communication - daily/weekly, once a routine is established related to the emergency on hand. As soon as we are able to settle into a regular communication and update schedule, one will be published. The District will also utilize local television, radio and news outlets to provide timely and useful information to students and stakeholders, as available. We have also utilized community organizations and faith-based organizations to assist us in pushing out information.

Overall Comments

Overall Comments

The ICP is a living document and will grow and evolve as changes in resources and instruction take place in our traditional classrooms. The Emergency Response Plan also has important information regarding how our school system will respond depending upon the event. The ERP is a confidential document, and it's available for review in the office of the Director of Student Safety.